
Version 1.0
Bot type Good (Identifies itself)
Category Search Engine Optimization
Obeys robots.txt Yes
Obeys crawl delay Yes
User-agent string Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; KobaiBot/1.0; +https://getkobai.com/robot)
Reverse DNS suffix getkobai.com

What is KobaiBot?

KobaiBot is a web crawler utilized by Kobai (getkobai.com) to navigate websites and identify optimal internal links for clients. It stands as a principal tool in maintaining Kobai's extensive database, which supports its mission to enhance online visibility and improve website navigation for its users. KobaiBot operates with efficiency, scanning the web to gather current and precise information about websites, their content, and the interconnections between them. This data proves invaluable for a variety of applications:

By employing Kobai's services, users can discover high-quality content and obtain all necessary information, contributing to an improved web browsing experience that benefits both website owners and visitors.

Website proprietors can leverage Kobai to evaluate their site's architecture, content, and linking patterns. This analysis provides critical insights into website performance, enabling owners to refine their online presence, enhance user engagement, ascend in search engine rankings, and attract more visitors.